Friday 17 April 2015

Drunk on Sunshine

Those of you who live in England will know that the last few days have been an absolute dream for mid/early April weather. There hasn't been any rain, it's been sunny and 25°C at times! I even had my first ice cream of the year so I guess we were having a mini heatwave. I actually had to some outside work on our garden bench :( but I found the time to snap some pics of our garden when it was super sunny. Sadly, the weather wasn't as great today but I'm definitely crossing my fingers for more sun soon! I haven't had time to edit these properly(adjust the brightness and contrast and other fancy photography stuff that I'm anyway no good at) but I hope they're still up to your standard. Enjoy this random tiny post and I'll see you on Sunday! (Don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin' to never miss a post like this!)
Natalie xx

So many pastel colours...


  1. The pictures are so pretty and high quality!! I live in London so I know definitely know what you mean when you say 'mini heatwave' ahahahaa!
    Abbie xx

    1. Awww thank you!! And aren't we lucky to still have some sunshine in England? Haha! xx
